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Conference call with Armenia’s innovation lab Kolba Labs


Today, Director of KG Labs Emily Youatt and  Kolba Innovations Lab Lead Marina Mkhitaryan discussed potential of future collaboration on fostering of social entrepreneurship in our countries

Kolba Lab is leading social innovations in Armenia. Key flagship actions include open innovation challenges, public sector innovations, series of public talks and events, including thematic TEDx Talks and Kolba Café events.

Marina shared her experience of implementing social innovation lab in Armenia, actions undertaken to make processes more impact oriented. She also shared activities happening in Armenia that foster entrepreneurship spirit such as coworking spaces, Microsoft educational events as well as College of Science and Engineering Startup Fund under American University of Armenia.

Emily shared news about activities planned to boost startup ecosystem in Kyrgyz Republic.

Participants of conversation agreed to exchange experience, collaborate on the regular basis.

Relevant links:

Kolba web page: http://kolba.am/en/post/hurilab-project-ease-of-access

Kolba facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KolbaLab

ImpactHub Yerevan: http://yerevan.impacthub.net/

UNDP Innovation Programme in Armenia: http://www.am.undp.org/content/armenia/en/home/operations/projects/democratic_governance/kolba-innovations-lab-.html