Национальная Стратегия по цифровым навыкам Кыргызстана
Aziz Soltobaev had prepared Analytical report on current and future needs and goals in digital skills with draft proposal of the National Strategy on Digital Skills and Competencies of the Kyrgyz Republic included.
This analytical report was prepared to show what global trends in the field of digital skills and competencies exist, how they are applied in different countries and what lessons would be important for Kyrgyzstan to take into account when forming an education development strategy for the period from 2020 to 2030. The report contains key documents in this sector worldwide, as well as in Kyrgyzstan, and also provides practical recommendations for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the objectives of the National Sustainable Development Strategy for 2018-2040. The author of this report hopes that this document will serve as a starting point for the formation of National Digital Skills and Competencies Development Strategy designed to contribute to the achievement of the target indicators of the national five-year plan “Sanarip Kyrgyzstan” and the relevant National Sustainable Development Strategy for 2018-2040 component. This initiative is implemented with the financial support of the Russian Federation, as part of the UNDP project “Digital skills and opportunities for youth employment towards digital economy”.
Links for publication:
English version of the report “Analytical report on current and future needs and goals in digital skills”: https://www.kg.undp.org/content/kyrgyzstan/en/home/library/poverty/analytical-report-on-current-and-future-needs-and-goals-in-digit.html
Русская версия отчета “Аналитический отчет по текущим и будущим потребностям и целям в сфере цифровых навыков”: https://www.kg.undp.org/content/kyrgyzstan/ru/home/library/poverty/analytical-report-on-current-and-future-needs-and-goals-in-digit.html
Кыргызская версия отчета “Учурдагы, келечектеги муктаждыктар жана санарип көндүмдөр багытындагы максаттар боюнча аналитикалык отчет”: https://www.kg.undp.org/content/kyrgyzstan/ky/home/library/poverty/analytical-report-on-current-and-future-needs-and-goals-in-digit.html
Disclaimer. Report had been prepared as part of the individual consultancy work with the UNDP project “Digital skills and opportunities for youth employment towards digital economy”.